Our Resistance to Change-3-26-2020

Abbot Will Rauschenberger shares his Dharma talk from the Wednesday Evening Zoom online Practice Session. OZS is offering online Practice Sessions where you can join in and meditate with us twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can join in here: https://ordinaryzensangha.org/sangha/

Monk In The House

In this episode, Will talks about our upcoming retreat with Chong An Sunim and Kongan practice.

Paying Attention

Getting to know ourselves through our meditation practice. Sunday 2/09/2020.

Last few days of 2019 – Celebrating Buddha’s Awakening

Buddha’s enlightenment is said to have happened in December, so we celebrate his awakening. As we bring the year to an end, I would like to leave you with two Dharma Talk Podcasts. The first one is by Norman Fisher and includes a wonderful “Fairy Tale” about Buddha’s enlightenment that comes from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book Old Path White Clouds. Norman Fisher – “The Buddha as a completely normal person“ http://everydayzen.org/teachings/2013/buddha-normal-person-all-day-sitting-december-2019/ The second Podcast is last Sunday’s Dharma talk at […]