Will Rauschenberger

How’s Abbot Will doing? Update…

Hi Folks, For the last 7 days, as I had COVID, Dan Gulliford covered for me and facilitated our regular practice sessions. The good news is I am over having COVID and tested negative. The practice continues on our regular schedule at our Zendo. A special thanks to Dan for facilitating while I was recuping.  I hope to see you soon. All the best,

OZS - Dharma Room

Calendar Update: Regular Practice Schedule

Join us tonight for our Wednesday Evening Practice Session, on July 3, 2024. Ordinary Zen Sangha practice sessions continue after a month off in June 2024. OZS is secular in its approach, no experience is necessary, and all are welcome. We practice at our Zendo on Wednesday at 7:00 pm. We chant the Heart Sutra, practice sitting meditation for 25 minutes, walking meditation for 5 minutes, and another sitting meditation for 25 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion […]

the source of the river Buna

Temple Life – Part Two

After 8 days of traveling with Sunim and his family,  plus 8 days of Charlene and I traveling alone down Croatia’s Dalmatian coast, Charlene and I have returned to the Orginal Light Temple outside Budapest for the last few days of our visit. We will be ending our trip with an Ancestor Celebration on Sunday. Of course, there are stories to tell about our adventures. However, this post is not a travel log. There will be opportunities to share those […]


Temple Life

Dear Sangha, Charlene and I are at the end of our first week at Orginal Light  Zen Temple. Very welcoming and wonderful Sangha. We love it here! I would like to share a poem that Charlene wrote about daily temple life. A Gentle Awakening The 4 A.M. sunrise illuminates the crown of the yurt. Then, morning birdsong. A solo recital. The 5 A.M. Zen drum beckons. And so it begins. Shoes on shoes off, shoes on shoes off, shoes on […]

Taking June 2024 Off for a Personal Retreat

Last year, I took a month off in August for a personal retreat. This year, I will take a month off in June. There will be no practice sessions in June 2024. I will be in Budapest, Hungary from Thursday, June 6th through Sunday, June 9th for an advanced meditation retreat at the Original Light Zen Temple that will be led by Zen Master Chong An Sunim. I will also be traveling with Chong An Sunim and his family after […]

Getting unstuck and non-duality

I am about to head up to North Carolina for a few days and while I am gone, I thought you might enjoy this blast from the past. I gave this Dharma Talk from North Carolina, 3 years ago on Aug 23, 2020. It was during COVID, please forgive the quality of the video, it was from my Chromebook on Zoom… We will resume our regular practice sessions on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Deep Bow, Will Rauschenberger

Huangbo’s Transmission of Mind – Parts 1 to 9

For there is nowhere that is outside the Buddha-Mind I invite you to join me in reading and reflecting on the teachings of Haungbo. This series will use either ” Zen Roots – The First Thousand Years “  by Red Pine or ” The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind “ translated by John Blofeld. If you are using the John Blofeld translation you will notice his use of the word ” Void ” as in ” it is […]

Huangbo -Transmission Of The Mind – Intro

Dear Friends, Welcome to the New Year and our study series on the Teachings of Huangbo. The text we will be exploring is a record of a series of talks given by Huangbo in the fall of 842. The talks were recorded by an official named Pei Xiu. There are two translations that you may use for our study series. The first is The Zen Teaching Of Huang Po On The Transmission Of Mind by John Blofeld. The second can be […]

The Basis for Giving

Cultivate an attitude of all-pervading loving kindness. Directed not just to humans but to all sentient beings, with this attitude, we give freely of what we have without any regret. The three types of giving: The first is to give through your understanding of the Dharma. This means to devote yourself to the service of others by realizing, for their sake, the emptiness of yourself and your desires. The second is to give away material possessions without any reluctance. Giving that […]