This podcast is one of the talks with Chong An Sunim at OZS in November 2024. There is no audio version of this podcast at this time.
Podcasts: Note To Self
Podcasts of the Dharma Talks at Ordinary Zen Sangha.
Attached to Name & Form, Talks with Chong An Sunim, part 2
This part is two of three sessions at Ordinary Zen Sangha in November 2024 with Zen Master Chong An Sunim and Abbot Will Rauschenberger.
Dharma and Karma, Talks with Chong An Sunim at OZS, part 1
This part is one of three sessions at Ordinary Zen Sangha in November 2024 with Zen Master Chong An Sunim and Abbot Will Rauschenberger.
Dark Times Ahead, Stars Will Shine
What can we rely on in times like these?
The Relative and Absolute, is it different or not?
A OZS sangha member asks: “Is there, or is there not, a balance between our absolute expansive selves and our relative selves that outflow into the world?”
Certainty in Uncertainty
The transcendence of ever changing circumstances.
Illuminating Dangerous Times
Don’t believe anything you think…
Inquiry, what is this, who am I?
“Thinking is just thinking, it is not who I am”.
Undeniable Suchness of Being
Inquiry into “What is this?”
Forest Bathing
Exploring Nature is exploring our nature. Benevolence is fearlessness.