Dharma Talk from Sunday 10/11/2020. What is the original source of our dis-ease?
Tag Archives: weekly practice
OZS Meditation on Siesta Key Beach
Join Ordinary Zen Sangha for Sunrise Zen Meditation practice every Saturday Morning from 6:30 AM to 7:00 AM (weather permitting). We will also go to the village (Mojo Risin’ Coffee Co.) for conversation, coffee, or tea after our practice. Meditating in nature is ideal and we will have the beach mostly to ourselves this early in the morning. This is a wonderful opportunity to meditate together in a safe and beautiful environment. No experience is necessary and all are welcome. Please bring […]
A straightforward mind – the place of enlightenment
Dharma talk by Will Rauschenberger – Sunday 9/20/2020 – Only go straight – One Mind with the help of the Platform Sutra of Hui-neng and the Vimalakirti Sutra.
Meditation is the best exercise
Wednesday, September 2, 2020, Dharma Talk Why is meditation the best exercise? In these turbulent times, what is to be gained by sitting doing nothing?
You are nature, not separate and have a part to play
How do we come into balance, taking care of ourselves in this climate of great stress? What is our responsibility?
Hearing the Stone Lions Roar
Wednesday – 5/6/2020 – Dharma Talk and Discussion at OZS During the Pandemic, how to deal with anger, how to understand our situation, how can I help?
Waking Up in a Pandemic to the Great Cleansing Mirror Mind
Abbot Will Rauschenberger shares “Trust in Mind” and discusses the way we can experience our world now.
Weeding the Garden
Abbot Will Rauschenberger’s talk at Ordinary Zen after our Zoom Practice Session on Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
The Fulcrum of Practice
Dharma talk from Wednesday’s Zoom Practice Session – 4/1/2020
Our Resistance to Change-3-26-2020
Abbot Will Rauschenberger shares his Dharma talk from the Wednesday Evening Zoom online Practice Session. OZS is offering online Practice Sessions where you can join in and meditate with us twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can join in here: https://ordinaryzensangha.org/sangha/