Wheel-of-suffering and dependent origination

Dependent Origination

This week we are birthing the Buddha, as we contemplate dependent origination and no-self.

Expounding the Diamond Sutra

“The sun, the stars, the trees, the rivers are already teaching us the Diamond Sutra” -208 Kongans – Original Light Temple


Foundational Pillars of Zen

Great Faith, Great Courage, Great Question. Upcoming Buddha’s Birthday Retreat, what are we celebrating?

Sunday Morning – Practice Session

Ordinary Zen Sangha Practice Sessions OZS is secular in its approach, no experience is necessary, and all are welcome. We practice at our Zendo Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We chant the Heart Sutra, practice sitting meditation for 25 minutes, walking meditation for 5 minutes, and another sitting meditation for 25 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion during which Tea is served. There is no set fee to participate, however, a donation will help defray our costs and […]

Wednesday Evening – Practice Session

Ordinary Zen Sangha Practice Sessions OZS is secular in its approach, no experience is necessary, and all are welcome. We practice at our Zendo Wednesday Evening at 7:00 pm. We chant the Heart Sutra, practice sitting meditation for 25 minutes, walking meditation for 5 minutes, and another sitting meditation for 25 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion during which Tea is served. There is no set fee to participate, however, a donation will help defray our costs and […]