“Zen Battles: Modern Commentary on the Teachings of Master Linji” was the book Will mentions in this Dharma Talk about the ninth century Zen Master Linji.
Tag Archives: Podcasts
Indra’s Net – There is no other
2/21/21 – This week’s Dharma Talk: Indra’s Net and No-self.
Taking a walk down the Kongan path
This week we get a little taste from a bowl of Kongan (Koan) soup.
Liberation, Awakening, Deep Listening
Dharma Talk – 2/7/2021 The awakened person is neither obstructed by being or non-being, like gentle rain on the deep ocean.
Dharma Talk from the January Retreat
In this opening Dharma Talk from our January 2021 retreat, “Our practice is like two wings of a bird”.
Whose mind occupies this body?
Dharma Talk 1/10/2021 Who is the Master of this Body? Root out ignorance, greed, and anger.
Anticipation as the New Year begins
As we begin 2021, how not to let anxiety get the best of us.
Meditation is Easy
Meditation is easy, nothing there to gain or lose. It is not this or that, nor is it not this or not that. Sitting, standing, walking, cooking, drinking tea, no difference. Just this!
Cat Pause
“in the stillness of the pause, the entirety of our being is quietly revealed” The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down — Sunim, Haemin.
The Dharma Marrow of our Ancestors
This Podcast is a glimpse into what our Zoom Practice Sessions are like. Starting with the Three Refuges, the beginning of the Heart Sutra (just a few moments of the chant), then you will hear the end of the sitting period with the clap of the Chukpi, ending the practice period with the four Bodhisattva Vows before a short talk about one of the ancestors of Zen, Linji… “The teaching of Linji is not like any other master. He dares […]