
Temple Life

Dear Sangha, Charlene and I are at the end of our first week at Orginal Light  Zen Temple. Very welcoming and wonderful Sangha. We love it here! I would like to share a poem that Charlene wrote about daily temple life. A Gentle Awakening The 4 A.M. sunrise illuminates the crown of the yurt. Then, morning birdsong. A solo recital. The 5 A.M. Zen drum beckons. And so it begins. Shoes on shoes off, shoes on shoes off, shoes on […]

Hauling Away the Shit Pail

“It is foolish to use the verb “to appear” in describing the manifestation of the buddhas. We simply use the expression “a buddha appears in the world” to make it easier for sentient beings to understand. “Picks up a shit pail and hauls away all the shit of conceptual proliferation” means that a buddha removes all traces of various types of ignorant thoughts. If you do not depart from the original true reality of the middle way, then whatever words […]

Platform Sutra Study- Part 4 – Sections 20-23

Dear Good Friends, We continue to explore the Platform Sutra of Hui-neng. If you are following along with me, I recommend that you go directly to the Platform Sutra and skip the introduction and the sections with commentary by Red Pine. Read sections (20-23) of the Platform Sutra, notice your reaction to this reading, sit with it, and comment below. I will respond to your comments (privately) as necessary. You may of course not follow my direction and not respond […]

The Calm Before the Storm

Tracking Hurricane Dorian shows that it will be late Monday, Tuesday at the earliest that it will hit the east coast and possibly head this way. In preparation, we will have our Sunday Evening Meditation as usual. Our Dharma talk will be on “How can we focus our heart/mind in the midst of uncertainty and impermanence“. Those who have not awakened to the mind live enslaved to circumstance. They dream not only while they are asleep; even when their eyes […]

Why OZS Exists

OZS exists because it is needed.  It isn’t a church or religious institution. We have enough of those. It isn’t a Buddhist Temple and we do not worship a Buddha, a god or deity. We do not belong to or adhere to an ideology.  Yet when you walk into our zendo,  you will find the triple treasure is very much present. OZS is a modern practice center. Here, presence is what matters. It is palpable. What do we practice? Our […]

Ordinary Zen Goes To Jail

In March of this year, I was offered a wonderful opportunity to share the benefits of Zen Meditation with the general population at the Sarasota County Jail.  I originally asked Sangha Member Judy Rosemarin to join me and she generously donated her time each Thursday morning for an hour of sitting and sharing the Dharma with inmates. Unfortunately, Judy will be unavailable for three months this summer.  In order to give the inmates continuity of experience, as much as possible given the situation, I have asked […]

Weekly Dharma Talk with Zen Master Gosung Shin 1.24.2015

When I first began my practice, I was fortunate to spend time with the Korean Zen Master Gosung Shin (I lived on the American Zen Center grounds for 10 years).  Two days ago I learned from an old friend (who I had not talked to in over 15 years) that there were some video’s on YouTube from 2014 and 2015 of Gosung Shin. How wonderful! This Dharma talk is typical of the Saturday lectures. How grateful I am to have known […]