Great Faith, Great Courage, Great Question. Upcoming Buddha’s Birthday Retreat, what are we celebrating?
Tag Archives: weekly practice
Great Love – Great Sadness is our original teacher
This Dharma Talk was recorded on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 while I was on my way home from visiting my mother who was in the last days of her life. She died that Friday, April 23, 2021.
Bodhidharma’s approach to Zen
What is Ordinary Zen? What happens at Ordinary Zen Sangha? What is the goal of Ordinary Zen?
Don’t Know Mind
Facing your fears, focus on breath, Zen training…
Zen Is True Intimacy
In this week’s Dharma talk we explore how true intimacy is realized.
Sunday Morning – Practice Session
Ordinary Zen Sangha Practice Sessions OZS is secular in its approach, no experience is necessary, and all are welcome. We practice at our Zendo Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We chant the Heart Sutra, practice sitting meditation for 25 minutes, walking meditation for 5 minutes, and another sitting meditation for 25 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion during which Tea is served. There is no set fee to participate, however, a donation will help defray our costs and […]
Wednesday Evening – Practice Session
Ordinary Zen Sangha Practice Sessions OZS is secular in its approach, no experience is necessary, and all are welcome. We practice at our Zendo Wednesday Evening at 7:00 pm. We chant the Heart Sutra, practice sitting meditation for 25 minutes, walking meditation for 5 minutes, and another sitting meditation for 25 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion during which Tea is served. There is no set fee to participate, however, a donation will help defray our costs and […]
Anticipation as the New Year begins
As we begin 2021, how not to let anxiety get the best of us.
The Dharma Marrow of our Ancestors
This Podcast is a glimpse into what our Zoom Practice Sessions are like. Starting with the Three Refuges, the beginning of the Heart Sutra (just a few moments of the chant), then you will hear the end of the sitting period with the clap of the Chukpi, ending the practice period with the four Bodhisattva Vows before a short talk about one of the ancestors of Zen, Linji… “The teaching of Linji is not like any other master. He dares […]
There is no I and there is no other
12/09/2020 – In this Wednesday’s Dharma Talk, Will continues with another reading from: The Sayings of Layman P’ang: A Zen Classic of China. – “The Message of the Diamond Sutra”. Our discussion is about “There is no I and there is no other” in this holiday season.