The Dharma in plain sight

The Dharma is in plain sight, yet is nowhere to be found. How does a Bodhisattva save all sentient beings?

Sunday Morning – Practice Session

Ordinary Zen Sangha Practice Sessions OZS is secular in its approach, no experience is necessary, and all are welcome. We practice at our Zendo Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We chant the Heart Sutra, practice sitting meditation for 25 minutes, walking meditation for 5 minutes, and another sitting meditation for 25 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion during which Tea is served. There is no set fee to participate, however, a donation will help defray our costs and […]

Meditation is Easy

Meditation is easy, nothing there to gain or lose. It is not this or that, nor is it not this or not that. Sitting, standing, walking, cooking, drinking tea, no difference. Just this!