The Bear Encounter…
Tag Archives: Dharma Talks
Realization and Zen Practice
Realization happens when we do nothing!
When is wasting time not wasting time?
Original Mind
The Seeds of Enlightenment
Mind-to-Mind Transmission Abbot Will Rauschenberger reads from the “Zen Teachings of Emptiness” by his Root Teacher, Zen Master Gosung Shin.
Not Two, Just This!
Already you see, already you hear, before you think I see, I hear.
We Use Words
Just This!
Sitting on your ass doing nothing
Appreciate the uniqueness of your own life, you cannot be someone else, that’s a fool’s errand. Get to know who you are, that is the path to awakening.
Anger has no hold on the awakened Heart/Mind.
Beyond This Mind Where Is Buddha?
What are the gates of Zen? Where does liberation take place?
Crazy Old Man In A Wheelchair
Spouting Angry words. The Six Perfections in the public square.