The Great Treasure – transcript of the podcast

The Great Treasure – edited transcript of the Podcast Will: Good morning. Thanks for joining me. Make yourselves comfortable. This is a little story by Zen Master Seung Sahn in the book, Dropping Ashes on the Buddha. It’s called: The Great Treasure. When Dae Ju first came to Zen Master Ma-jo, the Master asked him, “What do you want from me?” Dae Ju said, “I want you to teach me the Dharma.” “What a fool you are!” said Ma-jo. “You […]

Embracing Change – Accepting Uncertainty

Will: Good morning.  Nancy and Michael are here with me today. This morning I thought I would bring up embracing change. So is it really possible to embrace change? Everything is always changing. What is there to embrace? I was browsing through the opinion section of the New York Times and I saw an old article in there that said if you want to save your marriage, embrace change. Well, that’s a can of worms, we won’t go there. I […]

Saving All Sentient Beings

Featured image: Ascetic Sumedha and Dipankara Buddha –by By Hintha – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,