Today’s Dharma Study will be “On Repentance” from The Sutra of Hui-neng. Here is a transcript of the chapter on Repentance, so that you may review it. Please join us, if you can, for this special Dharma Study… Transcript: On Repentance Once there was a big gathering of scholars and commoners from Kuang-chou, Shao-chou, and other places to wait upon the patriarch to preach to them. Seeing this, the patriarch mounted the pulpit and delivered the following address: In Buddhism, […]
Category Archives: Events
Workshops, Retreats, Talks
January 5, 2019 – All Day Silent Retreat Schedule
First Zen Meditation Retreat of the New Year! Saturday, January 5, 2019 – 9:00 to 5:00 RSVP HERE before the retreat… This is a silent Retreat with several sittings in the morning and afternoon. Silence will be observed throughout, including the Lunch break. (The only exceptions are the Q & A’s). There will be two Dharma Talks beginning and ending the retreat led by Abbot Will Rauschenberger. Schedule: (subject to change) Morning: 9:00 AM – Introduction and retreat instructions. 9:15 AM – Dharma […]
Wednesday Evening Dharma Study for 11-21-18
Layman P’ang “Layman P ’ang has been venerated in Asia for well over a thousand years. The title song of Van Morrisons 1990 album, Enlightenment, opens with a refrain about chopping wood and carrying water. Borrowed from one of Layman P’ang s most famous poems, it expresses the Laymans new found spiritual insight in terms of his daily actions.” “Ordinary mind is the Way.” This is one of the most famous formulations of Chinese Zen. In other words, all of […]
Diamond Sutra – Wednesday Evening Dharma Study
Oct 10, 2018 – Recommended articles to read beforehand: Five things to know about the Diamond Sutra – Worlds Oldest Dated Printed Book An overview of the Diamond Sutra Wednesday Evening Dharma Study 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm 4690 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232 The doors open at 6:30 pm and the practice session begins promptly at 7:00 pm with the chanting of the Heart Sutra. We then sit in zazen for twenty-five minutes. We serve tea and study the teachings of the […]
RSVP – The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures – with Chong An Sunim
Friday, September 28 2018 – 7:00 PM. Ordinary Zen 4690 Fruitville Rd. 34232 Ten Ox-herding Pictures “Here, our essential self is compared to an ox. We seek the ox, grasp it, tame it and finally, the self which has always been seeking becomes completely one with the ox. But this also is forgotten so that we now simply carry on our ordinary lives. This is the process described by the Pictures. They show concretely the progression of our practice and […]
Wednesday Evening Dharma Study – Teachings of Bodhidharma
7:00 pm-8:30 pm What: We will begin studying the Zen teachings of Bodhidharma on August 29, 2018, for 6 weeks. (We will be using “The Teaching OF BODHIDHARMA” by Red Pine as a reference.) Wednesday, August 22, 2018, will be an introduction. Here is an outline or study plan for the following 6 weeks (subject to change). Bodhidharma is considered the founder of Zen in China and is the patriarch of millions of Zen Buddhists. Where better to start a […]
Zen Meditation Workshop with Chong An Sunim, 9-21-18 to 9-23-18
CHONG AN SUNIM’S BIOGRAPHY Chong An Sunim started Zen practice in 1990, in his birthplace Budapest, Hungary. He became a monk in 1994 and spent the next six years training under the guidance of Zen Master Seung Sahn at the Seoul International Zen Center, Hwa Gye Sa, Korea. He was given the title ‘Dharma Master’ and thus became authorized to teach in August 1999, by his teacher, the late Zen Master Seung Sahn. The Arirang INNERview with Chong An Sunim […]
Introducing Chong An Sunim
Chong An Sunim first visited OZS on September 21, 22,23 2018. We had a wonderful Dharma Talk Friday evening September 21, 2018 and then continued Saturday and Sunday with a workshop/retreat, starting with an “Eye Opening” & Buddha Hall Dedication Ceremony for our new Zendo space on Saturday and a Buddhist precepts ceremony at the end of the workshop Sunday. There were also opportunities for kong-an interviews with Chong An Sunim. CHONG AN SUNIM’S BIOGRAPHY Chong An Sunim started Zen practice […]