Today’s Dharma Talk includes a reading from “The Record of Linji” – translation and commentary by Ruth Fuller Sasaki. “I believe that Zen, particularly Rinzai Zen, has a significant role in the present world. Modern people are adrift amid the great confusion and uncertainty of contemporary life. The Linji lu can give us a foundation on which to construct a new and powerful view of human existence.” –Yamada Mumon
Tag Archives: weekly practice
Customized Truth
While sitting on the wellspring, looking out into the desert at a mirage expecting it to quench our thirst.
The Ten Ox-herding Pictures Revisited
The Ten Ox-herding Pictures have concretely depicted the process in which the imperfect, limited, and relative self awakens to the perfect, unlimited, and absolute essential self (the ox), grasps it, tames it, forgets it, and completely incorporates it into the personality.
I, Me, and Mine
According to the Buddha, there are three poisons that cause suffering. We examine how the conception of a self and our identification with I, me, and mine is at the root of our suffering.
Look at your relationships with fresh eyes…
The Still Point
Topsy Turvy thinking in social settings.
Like A Floating Cloud
Today’s Dharma Talk is dedicated to the memory of Ven Dr. Wonji Dharma of the Five Mountain Zen Order, who passed away unexpectantly in December of 2021. Will’s Dharma name, Hae An, was given to him at his first Precepts Ceremony by Ven Dr. Wonji Dharma.
Zen is a Label
The energy behind words, Compassion is before thought. In times like these, the omicron wave. Please consider making a donation to OZS. Your support is appreciated, as we are exclusively funded by the generosity of our members.
The Seeds Of Consciousness
Transforming the Eight Consciousnesses into the Four Wisdoms. ( . Please consider making a donation to OZS. Your support is appreciated, as we are exclusively funded by the generosity of our members.
Relaxing Into What Is
Like the Lilies of the field. 12/02/2021- Tonight’s discussion centers around the question; “Is anger ever justified?”