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Tag Archives: Podcasts
Rabbit Guts and Maggots
Cognitive Resonance and Right Action…
The Seat of The Perfection of Wisdom
The great seat of Prajna Paramita has three legs. “Don’t Know”, “What is this?”, and “Insight’”.
What is Original Nature
The Bear Encounter…
When is wasting time not wasting time?
Original Mind
Not Two, Just This!
Already you see, already you hear, before you think I see, I hear.
The Hsin Hsin Ming
The Hsin Hsin Ming, the classic poem by the Third Patriarch of Zen, Seng T’san, read by Will Rauschenberger. Seng T’san was the third Chinese patriarch of Zen. The poem attributed to him, the “Hsin Hsin Ming” (lit. “Trust Mind Inscription), is one of the earliest and most influential Zen writings, blending together Buddhist and Taoist teachings. —Translated by Hae Kwang
We Use Words
Just This!
Sitting on your ass doing nothing
Appreciate the uniqueness of your own life, you cannot be someone else, that’s a fool’s errand. Get to know who you are, that is the path to awakening.
Beyond This Mind Where Is Buddha?
What are the gates of Zen? Where does liberation take place?