
Accepting causality and letting go of the discriminating mind.

The Hsin Hsin Ming

The Hsin Hsin Ming, the classic poem by the Third Patriarch of Zen, Seng T’san, read by Will Rauschenberger. Seng T’san was the third Chinese patriarch of Zen. The poem attributed to him, the “Hsin Hsin Ming” (lit. “Trust Mind Inscription), is one of the earliest and most influential Zen writings, blending together Buddhist and Taoist teachings. —Translated by Hae Kwang

Will Rauschenberger

Beginnings Are Endings – Endings are Beginnings

As 2021 comes to a close, another year is etched into the storehouse of consciousness. The storehouse consciousness is where we keep all impressions as seeds of the physical and mental experience.  The storehouse consciousness is said to store the impressions of previous experiences, which form the seeds of future karma in this life and the next. How do we transform our consciousness to live fully as human beings, to be fully awakened and realize our potential for wisdom and […]

Wheel-of-suffering and dependent origination

The second perfection, ethical conduct

The six perfections are the attributes of an awakened being. This morning’s talk starts with the second perfection, ethical conduct, and the precepts.

Wednesday Evening Dharma Study – Teachings of Bodhidharma

7:00 pm-8:30 pm What: We will begin studying the Zen teachings of Bodhidharma on August 29, 2018, for 6 weeks. (We will be using “The Teaching OF BODHIDHARMA” by Red Pine as a reference.) Wednesday, August 22, 2018, will be an introduction. Here is an outline or study plan for the following 6 weeks (subject to change). Bodhidharma is considered the founder of Zen in China and is the patriarch of millions of Zen Buddhists. Where better to start a […]