Linji’s Person of No Rank

Since OZS will not meet on Christmas Eve or New Years eve, I offer a Dharma talk (Pod Cast) to tide you over till we meet next year!  I think you will find Norman Fisher’s Dharma Talk delightfully insightful and rewarding. It is my gift to you, celebrating Buddha’s Enlightenment and bringing in the New Year!

Norman Fisher’s Dharma talk is about Linji’s “Person of No Rank”. Linji is a famous Zen Master considered the founder of the Rinzai School of Zen.  Norman is part of the Soto Zen Linage which from outward appearances looks very different from the style of the Linji School (Rinzai).  Here is his very insightful talk about “The Person of No Rank”.

OZS does not claim to belong or not belong to any linage. Non-the-less Zen Linage is the spice that flavors the soup from which we get our spiritual nourishment. The Linji School of Zen is considered the linage of my primary teacher, Zen Master Gosung Shin.

Happy New Year!

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Posted in Emptiness.