
Manjushri, the wisdom that cuts through delusion and gives insight comes not from golden statues, nor worshiping a deity, but from practice alone. Keeping a clear mind like space, that alone is Manjushri’s sword! Just ask, What is this? Eventually, you will cut through what you are not and then there is just your original face!    

Introducing Chong An Sunim

Chong An Sunim first visited OZS on September 21, 22,23 2018. We had a wonderful Dharma Talk Friday evening September 21, 2018 and then continued Saturday and Sunday with a workshop/retreat, starting with an “Eye Opening” & Buddha Hall Dedication Ceremony for our new Zendo space on Saturday and a Buddhist precepts ceremony at the end of the workshop Sunday. There were also opportunities for kong-an interviews with Chong An Sunim. CHONG AN SUNIM’S BIOGRAPHY Chong An Sunim started Zen practice […]

Rain Ripples

Not Two

In our ordinary lives, we may struggle at times, are happy and content sometimes, distraught and hurt at others times. We are ensnared by all the constructs, narratives, and ideas we create about ourselves and the world. Thus we create discord, sometimes angry and disillusioned, sometimes righteous and right. Believing our discriminating mind, attached to being right. Thinking that this teaching is better than that one. Deludedly, chasing the finger pointing to the moon.  This can be called self-attachment or self-referencing, clinging to […]

Sea and Rocks

fixed or fluid

The difference between Delusion and Nirvana can be described in two words – fixed or fluid. When we have a fixed view, we are deluding ourselves. It is at the root of all our pain and suffering.  The problem stems from a false premise, a belief that we are separate and independent from each other. “I am not him, he is not me.” This causes all kinds of alienation, fear, greed, and hatred.  This belief is out of balance, the same way our body […]

Greeting Equanimity

It is common in Zen Buddhist and other traditions to greet one another by joining our hands together and bowing. Done with diligence and vigilance, embracing equanimity, it is practice. It is Zen. It is the doorway to awakening. Diligence, in this case, means letting go of self-referentiality and approaching with a joyful and open mind. Vigilance means embracing the equanimity of this moment. Without any judgment or labeling, we are at one with the essence of being. This is truly greeting reality.

Lisa Cairns – Is Meditating Helpful?

Here is the thing. After the curiosity wears off, when the video stream ends, what do you have? What generally seems to be missing in the “Non-Duality Movement” is practice. How to get to know for yourself what is? How to know the objective, subjective, absolute/relative reality, to be free of identification and yet fully participating in life? How to know the same old you, through and through? That’s it. That old dusty mirror is the way! Here Lisa Cairns […]

Stuck in a Story with Lisa Cairns

A “Non-Duality” speaker that I like is Lisa Cairns.  She expresses unconditional love beautifully, as well as being clear and unpretentious. However entertaining it might appear, she is a Dharma teacher.