The Very Ground Shaking Under Our Feet

We are faced with unbelievable instability and suffering as the upheaval of the unstable societal ground we thought we could stand on shifts, creating fissures, and shakes us to the core. We attempt to keep some sense of normalcy, seeking ways to cope, or just pretend that we are okay and build walls of stoicism.  The pandemic forces us to social distance and its effect can be feeling alienated and alone, limited in our ability to communicate intimately. What can […]

Welcoming Spring, Being Grateful

The more grateful we feel, the happier we become. This is because gratitude helps us realize we are all connected. Nobody feels like an island when feeling grateful. Gratitude awakens us to the truth of our interdependent nature. Sunim, Haemin. “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down” (p. 38). Penguin Publishing Group.     


Making Clouds Disappear

When I was a child, I used to play a game with friends called “making the clouds disappear.” Days that clouds were scattered and puffy were ideal. We would each pick a cloud and focus all our energy on making it disappear, and sure enough, with patience, they would disappear! What was wonderful about the game was the experience of oneness, of sky, mind, space. It was the magic of active imagination! As adults, we intellectually might grasp that this […]

Vimalakirti Sutra – with talks by Norman Fischer

From – these Podcasts by Norman Fischer are excellent commentaries on the Vimalakirti Sutra. The sutra explains the meaning of nonduality directly with the words of the Buddha. An important aspect of this scripture is that it contains a report of a teaching addressed to both arhats and bodhisattvas by the layman Vimalakīrti, who expounds the doctrine of Śūnyatā, or emptiness, to them. You may download the Sutra here: Vimalakirti Sutra – Talk 1 – Dharma Seminar – […]

An uprising of decency

In his opinion piece in the New York times today David Brooks makes the poignant point that “We need an uprising of decency”.  He refers to the last debate where Marianne Williamson made some very interesting observations about politics in our country. He says “It is no accident that the Democratic candidate with the best grasp of this election is the one running a spiritual crusade, not an economic redistribution effort.”  Here is a link to the article. I always […]

Earth Day – Every Day

Some 40 years ago I went back to the land, built a homestead and grew much of my own food. It was a dream many shared back then and still do today. It is in our nature to be in nature. It was during this time that I came across the writings of Wendell Berry.   I went for a hike a couple of days ago at Myakka State Park. As I walked alone in solitude among the Oak hammocks […]

Don’t Believe Everything You Think!

If we are caught in the bubble of our own thinking, we are not truly practicing Zen and are only deluding ourselves. We are Buddhist practitioners in name only and our commitment goes up in smoke with the fire of like and dislike! We may wander around from one Teacher, Spiritual Center or Zendo, to another, trying to make the world into how we think it is, or blindly following like sheep as long as it feels good. By believing […]

What Now?

Ask an open-ended question, anticipation without expectation. Don’t make NOW into something. In calm abiding before thought, see with your ears and hear with your eyes. Each morning wrens welcome the sunrise in song.

at the beach

Wednesday Dharma Study-Everyday Zen Podcast on MIND

If you’re unable to join us for our OZS Dharma Study on Wednesday Evening, here is the Podcast we will be listening to… Norman Fisher, Everyday Zen Podcast: MIND Mind podcast – download here Posted: 13 Dec 2018 09:05 PM PST Norman speaks on the Buddhist teachings of “Mind” from a recent article of his published in “Lions Roar” magazine.