January 2023 – All Day Retreat in Nature

Saturday, January 7, 2023! Bring in the New Year with Ordinary Zen Sangha All-day retreat at Myakka River State Park. The natural setting surrounded by the beauty of nature will help us to relax, reflect, and renew ourselves. We will start promptly at 9:00 am (arrive by 8:45 am). There will be several sitting and walking meditations during the day, Dharma Talks, and a vegetarian/vegan potluck lunch. The retreat will be over at 4:30 pm. RSVP is recommended. The retreat will […]

Ian has moved on and we are still cleaning up.

The session for Sunday, Oct. 2 has not been confirmed. As of this writing, power has not been restored at our home. We do have a generator and are fine otherwise. Like a lot of us around Sarasota, there is debris to clean up. We are being patient as things get back to something more normal. I have not decided whether we will have a practice session this Sunday. I would like to hear from those who would, or could, […]

The Father of Mindfulness

You have probably heard of the passing of Thich Nhat Hahn. He was a Buddhist monk, peace activist, prolific author, poet, teacher, and founder of the Plum Village Tradition, historically recognized as the main inspiration for engaged Buddhism. There are many quotes from him over the years that have resonated with me.  Today in a newsletter from the director of the film “Walk With Me” – Marc J Francis,  came these quotes that I would like to share with you: […]

Will Rauschenberger

Beginnings Are Endings – Endings are Beginnings

As 2021 comes to a close, another year is etched into the storehouse of consciousness. The storehouse consciousness is where we keep all impressions as seeds of the physical and mental experience.  The storehouse consciousness is said to store the impressions of previous experiences, which form the seeds of future karma in this life and the next. How do we transform our consciousness to live fully as human beings, to be fully awakened and realize our potential for wisdom and […]

Spiritual Friendship

The Sangha or Spiritual Friendship is at the very core of the Buddha’s teachings. Since the inception of the Ordinary Zen Sangha in the spring of 2015, I have had the honor to practice with many wonderful human beings who have had a profound effect on my practice and life journey. I am very grateful and consider each and everyone without exception, to be a spiritual friend.  I will always hold each of you in my heart-mind with compassion and […]

Mountains and rivers are just so.  

In the quiet mountain air, the leaves rustle. Who sees their original face reflected in the babbling stream? Many opportunities are lost, mostly you don’t know they passed you by. The repository consciousness reflects the past, surfacing like reflections in a mirror. Be at peace, let the past go. Clear mirror, clear mind. Mountains and rivers are just so. — Abbot, Will Rauschennberger

This Is Zen – An all-day retreat

Saturday, October 2, 2021. The Retreat will be on Zoom and in person at our Zendo for fully vaccinated individuals.  6:50 am to 7:30 am – Our day starts with Meditation Practice on Siesta Key Beach (weather permitting). Directions: We will meet Northeast of the last lifeguard tower furthest north of the pavilion. Park in the North Lot. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm –  We begin our retreat with an opening ceremony, chanting the Heart Sutra, and a 30-minute meditation, followed by an introductory […]


Important News – Our Zendo Is Open

Ordinary Zen Sangha has reopened. Based on recent studies, according to the C.D.C., it will be safe for those of us who have been fully vaccinated. I am inviting Sangha members to join me for all of our activities in person at our Zendo, the Wednesday Evening Practice Session, Sunday Morning Practice Session, and our upcoming Retreat. Newcomers are always welcome. Zoom sessions and podcasts of the Dharma Talks will continue. Please check the calendar for updates or cancellations before […]

Advice for the Zoom Retreat

Pause and Reflect A Zen Retreat/Workshop – January 30, 2021 7:00 am to 7:30 am – Our day starts with Meditation Practice on Siesta Key Beach (weather permitting). Directions: We will meet Northeast of the last lifeguard tower furthest north of the pavilion. Park in the North Lot. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm – The Retreat/workshop will be on Zoom. We begin our retreat with an opening ceremony, chanting the Heart Sutra, and a 30-minute meditation, followed by an introductory talk by Abbot Will […]