What is Perfected Reality?

This Dharma talk reflects on a reading from the Lankavatara Sutra. “And what is perfected reality? This is the mode that is free from name or appearance or from projection. It is attained by buddha knowledge and is the realm where the personal realization of buddha knowledge takes place. This is perfected reality and the heart of the tathagata-garbha.”

Practicing the Paramitas

Practicing the Paramitas In Sanskrit ‘paramita’ literally means ‘having reached the other shore.’ It also means ‘transcendence,’ or ‘perfection.’ The true practice of the paramitas is to be free from self-attachment.

Koans for Troubled Times-Joan Sutherland

This week, I am sharing an article from Lion’s Roar in which Joan Sutherland shares the history of koans from a difficult period of time in Chinese history. She helps us to gain a historical perspective on our Zen tradition and our situation today. “What does it mean for each of us to be wholeheartedly part of this world? How do we fall willingly into the frightened, blasted, beautiful, tender world, just as it is?” Koans for Troubled Times  

The Very Ground Shaking Under Our Feet

We are faced with unbelievable instability and suffering as the upheaval of the unstable societal ground we thought we could stand on shifts, creating fissures, and shakes us to the core. We attempt to keep some sense of normalcy, seeking ways to cope, or just pretend that we are okay and build walls of stoicism.  The pandemic forces us to social distance and its effect can be feeling alienated and alone, limited in our ability to communicate intimately. What can […]