Learning how to be together in silence. Are you really ready to have a meaningful conversation?
Tag Archives: Zazen
Look at your relationships with fresh eyes…
The Still Point
Topsy Turvy thinking in social settings.
Don’t Judge
Do you hear? Do you see? Don’t Judge…
What Zen Masters Do
Before thought = Don’t Know Mind.
Meditation Is Wonderfully Useless
Today’s discussion focuses on issues that come up during sitting meditation.
Samsara is life and death, past, present, and future, measurement. Satori is the boundless, endless, clear-like space, timeless moment.
Being Peace
How can you be peace in the midst of the chaos of life? Oneness is the reality even in the midst of duality. Also, Will talks about the upcoming retreat at Myakka State Park on March 5th, 2022.
Beginnings Are Endings – Endings are Beginnings
As 2021 comes to a close, another year is etched into the storehouse of consciousness. The storehouse consciousness is where we keep all impressions as seeds of the physical and mental experience. The storehouse consciousness is said to store the impressions of previous experiences, which form the seeds of future karma in this life and the next. How do we transform our consciousness to live fully as human beings, to be fully awakened and realize our potential for wisdom and […]