Walking in Buddha's Footsteps

Leting go is freedom

Letting go is walking in the footsteps of Buddha. Let it be what it is, letting go is letting go of a diluted view.

The Dreamscape Master

What’s real and what isn’t? Just this One Mind, This Mind, which is without beginning, is unborn and indestructible. – Huang PO

It Is and It Isn’t

The 360 degrees of the Zen Circle. Hold your perceptions gently like a newborn baby, with wonder…


The Perfection of Patience

The Diamond Sutra teaches us about right understanding, right action, and the perfection of patience.

News and updates – 10/1/23

Good Friends, Our ‘Silent Retreat in Nature‘ is getting closer and if you haven’t registered yet, I encourage you to do so! I want to especially congratulate those who have signed up for the precepts ceremony. The ceremony will be at the end of the retreat and I will be interviewing each participant during the day. When your time comes, someone will let you know. Nothing scary about the interview, just want to have a moment with each of the […]