What is Perfected Reality?

This Dharma talk reflects on a reading from the Lankavatara Sutra. “And what is perfected reality? This is the mode that is free from name or appearance or from projection. It is attained by buddha knowledge and is the realm where the personal realization of buddha knowledge takes place. This is perfected reality and the heart of the tathagata-garbha.”

Practicing the Paramitas

Practicing the Paramitas In Sanskrit ‘paramita’ literally means ‘having reached the other shore.’ It also means ‘transcendence,’ or ‘perfection.’ The true practice of the paramitas is to be free from self-attachment.

Ordinary Zen Sangha is mentioned in Talk KOREA Article

We are mentioned in an article about Won Kwang Sa Zen Temple (Korean: 원광사, English: Original Light Zen Temple) a Korean traditional Zen temple and monastery located near Fárikút in a valley near Esztergom, Hungary. The only architecturally traditional Korean temple in Europe/ 10 years anniversary of the Zen Hall https://www.korea.net/TalkTalkKorea/English/community/community/CMN0000004722