The Perfection of Wisdom

12/19/2021 – What is Wisdom? Please consider making a donation to OZS. Your support is appreciated, as we are exclusively funded by the generosity of our members. 

Will Rauschenberger

Beginnings Are Endings – Endings are Beginnings

As 2021 comes to a close, another year is etched into the storehouse of consciousness. The storehouse consciousness is where we keep all impressions as seeds of the physical and mental experience.  The storehouse consciousness is said to store the impressions of previous experiences, which form the seeds of future karma in this life and the next. How do we transform our consciousness to live fully as human beings, to be fully awakened and realize our potential for wisdom and […]

Wheel-of-suffering and dependent origination

The second perfection, ethical conduct

The six perfections are the attributes of an awakened being. This morning’s talk starts with the second perfection, ethical conduct, and the precepts.

Relaxing Into What Is

Like the Lilies of the field. 12/02/2021- Tonight’s discussion centers around the question; “Is anger ever justified?”

The Fourth Paramita: Diligence

Dharma Talk – 11/07/2021 In Sanskrit ‘paramita’ literally means ‘having reached the other shore.’ It also means ‘transcendence,’ or ‘perfection.’ If we exist on the shore of suffering, reaching the other shore would mean leaving suffering behind and becoming enlightened. Hence, transcendence means to become free from mental afflictions, (the causes of suffering) and from suffering itself. The true practice of the paramitas is to be free from self-attachment and self-cherishing.

Spiritual Friendship

The Sangha or Spiritual Friendship is at the very core of the Buddha’s teachings. Since the inception of the Ordinary Zen Sangha in the spring of 2015, I have had the honor to practice with many wonderful human beings who have had a profound effect on my practice and life journey. I am very grateful and consider each and everyone without exception, to be a spiritual friend.  I will always hold each of you in my heart-mind with compassion and […]