What Is It Like To Be On Retreat?

Fran Kaplan shares her retreat experience at the Springwater Center for Meditative Inquiry in upstate New York. All Day Retreat in Nature, Saturday, November 19, 2022! Join Ordinary Zen Sangha for our all-day retreat at Myakka River State Park. Mark your calendars!

Relaxing Into What Is

Like the Lilies of the field. 12/02/2021- Tonight’s discussion centers around the question; “Is anger ever justified?”

The Still Point

The great way is the still point permeating all movement. “Moonlight on water”

The Middle Way

Liberation is not a ticket to somewhere else. impermanence, emptiness, no-self…

OZS - Dharma Room

Wednesday Evening – Practice Session

Ordinary Zen Sangha Practice Sessions OZS is secular in its approach, no experience is necessary, and all are welcome. We practice at our Zendo Wednesday Evening at 7:00 pm. We chant the Heart Sutra, practice sitting meditation for 25 minutes, walking meditation for 5 minutes, and another sitting meditation for 25 minutes, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion during which Tea is served. There is no set fee to participate, however, a donation will help defray our costs and […]


There is no I and there is no other

12/09/2020 – In this Wednesday’s Dharma Talk, Will continues with another reading from: The Sayings of Layman P’ang: A Zen Classic of China. – “The Message of the Diamond Sutra”. Our discussion is about  “There is no I and there is no other” in this holiday season.