Will Rauschenberger

Beginnings Are Endings – Endings are Beginnings

As 2021 comes to a close, another year is etched into the storehouse of consciousness. The storehouse consciousness is where we keep all impressions as seeds of the physical and mental experience.  The storehouse consciousness is said to store the impressions of previous experiences, which form the seeds of future karma in this life and the next. How do we transform our consciousness to live fully as human beings, to be fully awakened and realize our potential for wisdom and […]

Welcome to OZ

This morning on the way to the Sarasota Jail to teach Ordinary Zen Meditation to the inmates, I began thinking about our Ordinary Zen practice as a trip to OZ to see the wizard! Is this not the perfect story about getting lost to find ourselves? Aren’t all these characters just part of our own inner stories? The Scarecrow who doesn’t believe he is smart, the Tinman who thinks he is heartless,  The lion who is fearful. Then there is Dorthy, the child […]