I, Me, and Mine

According to the Buddha, there are three poisons that cause suffering.  We examine how the conception of a self and our identification with I, me, and mine is at the root of our suffering.

Campaign Nonviolence Conference events August 6-8, 2020

Hi Will: This is the national Conference that we organized, I was very involved in the organizing. As you will see I am teaching on Friday and presenting on Saturday.  I would like to extend an invitation to all members of the Sangha. To participate for free you just need to enter the code: CNVFRIEND2020. Would you kindly pass on?  Thanks, Veronica Pelicaric https://paceebene.salsalabs.org/saturdayeblast-8-1-20?wvpId=4e804234-829e-4092-863f-ad0e8e6784be