A New Years Resolution

Sangha is a Sanskrit word used in many Indian languages that means association, assembly, company, or community.  As we bring in the new year, I would like to take a moment to thank all those who have become part of our Ordinary Zen Sangha, in person, on Zoom, or by listening to our Podcasts. Thank you, for your generous contributions to OZS.


May the New Year be meritious and all beings benefit.


May the merits of our deeds
Reach every part of the world;
Sentient beings large and small
All attain enlightenment.

Will Rauschenberger, Abbot
Ordinary Zen Sangha Inc.

myakka river state park- retreatBring in the New Year with OZS,
Saturday, January 7, 2023!
All-day Retreat In Nature
Myakka River State Park

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Posted in Meditation, News, Weekly Dharma Study.

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