Note to self
Chong An Sunim sends his warm regards and asked me to extend his gratitude to our Sangha.
Dharma Teacher Precepts Ceremony
We had a wonderful retreat last weekend with Chong An Sunim. On Sunday Abbot Will Rauschenberger was recognized as Dharma Teacher in a special precepts ceremony by Chong An Sunim. Will's Dharma name Hae An (해안), which means ocean-wisdom eye was given to him at his first precepts ceremony in October 2013 by Zen Master Wonji Dharma of the Five …
Sunday Meditation Practice - Times are Changing
Our Sunday evening practice is changing to Sunday morning practice! Starting October 6, 2019. At the close of our last retreat, it was the consensus of the sangha members present that it would be easier for most to have our Sunday practice be in the morning instead of the evening. So starting on Oct 6, 2019 we will be meeting …
Wednesday Evening Practice
Every week unless otherwise noted.
The practice session begins promptly at 7:00 pm with the chanting of the Heart Sutra, sitting zazen, walking meditation, and another sitting. Afterward, we serve tea and have a dharma talk and a brief discussion related to our practice.
Sunday Evening Practice
Next Sunday September 29, 2019 will be our last evening meditation. We are switching to Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in October!
The practice session begins promptly at 6:00 pm with the chanting of the Heart Sutra, sitting zazen, walking meditation, and another sitting. Afterward, we serve tea and have a dharma talk and a brief discussion related to our practice.
Please check the website calendar for any scheduling changes.