
The gift of our Meditation practice

The gift of our Meditation practice
I have no words, which is rather unusual for me. I'm sure I'll think of something in a moment or two. Having no words reminds me to get to the root, relaxing into my nature without relying on the trappings of conceptualization or making something up. It sounds so simple, just being in the moment, as … Read more

Retreat in Nature, January 7, 2023,
at Myakka River State Park.

Registration is now open: https://ordinaryzensangha.org/all-day-retreat-at-myakka-river-state-park-registration-form/


Zen meditation and Dharma discussion, twice weekly.

In-person practice sessions at our Zendo or you may join us on Zoom.
Made possible through the generosity of community members like you!
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