Note To Self -What's Next?
My mission in founding OZS some 5 years ago was to provide a supportive environment in which we can directly experience the essential wisdom teachings of the Buddha through the timeless, ageless practice of what is called Zen, Chan, or Seon. Ordinary Zen Sangha (OZS) has been committed to bringing the benefits of this wisdom practice into our ordinary lives, just as they are, in this place and time.
In our current situation, a time in which the whole world is experiencing great change, OZS has a part to play in helping us understand our situation and be the best we can be, moment to moment. OZS encourages a direct experience of the illuminating wisdom that makes it possible for us to know our own minds and awaken to our original nature. It is said that when you can understand your self, you can resolve your self. This innate wisdom frees us from our afflictions, misery, and pain. The practice is as relevant today as it was over two thousand years ago. Through our practice we become more productive, clear, compassionate beings, living life fully, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. This, in turn, helps us personally, as well as countless others by seeing clearly our situation and contributing from wisdom and compassion. It is essential during this global pandemic that we see clearly and act from the place of wisdom rather than ignorance, greed, and anger.
Through podcasts and videos of our online Zoom Dharma talks at OZS, we can reach out to those that can benefit from what we offer. You can help with promoting the service we offer to the greater community by sharing and liking our new Facebook page, joining our Facebook group, subscribing to our new YouTube channel and sharing the podcasts and posts on our website.
Will Rauschenberger Abbot, Ordinary Zen Sangha
We now have a YouTube Channel!
If you like it please subscribe!
We now have a Facebook Page!
To support our Sangha of practitioners during Covid-19, I am offering online practice sessions using Zoom.
You will be able to practice with me live at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings & Wednesday Evening at 7:00 pm. The sessions include chanting the Heart Sutra, 30 - 40 minutes sitting meditation, Dharma talk, and discussion. Zoom allows us to have the OZS experience from our own devices in our own isolated hermit lodgings. Simply register, and log in to the session. Tune in!
Will Rauschenberger Abbot, Ordinary Zen
Scheduled Zoom Practice Sessions.
Please check the website calendar for any scheduling changes.