
OZS Business Meeting 10:30 am, August 3, 2024.

Dear reader,

As an Ordinary Zen Sangha member, you are invited to join me for a business meeting at our Zendo on Fruitville Road on Saturday, August 3, 2024. The meeting agenda will include a review of our plans to host Chong An Sunim in November for several talks and an all-day meditation workshop at Myakka State Park. Some of the issues we will need to discuss:
  1. Venues for public talks during Sunim's visit.
  2. Present compelling subject matter, with a Zen Buddhist perspective.
  3. Manage advertising, social media, and getting the word out.
  4. The retreat on Saturday, November 9, 2024.
The meeting will start at 10:30 am and end by noon. You may bring a bag lunch, for after the meeting. Tea and Coffee will be provided.

Please let me know you are coming so we can plan accordingly.

Deep Bow,

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