After the first zazen in our new Zendo - an update
We had a good turnout Sunday Evening with 15 sangha participants. It was wonderful to see everyone and sit together in our new space. The new space will work very well for us with a few minor adjustments. The main thing we will change is the seating arrangement. We tried a new seating arrangement (facing the Buddha in rows) and I think we all realized that we needed to go back to wall gazing! So starting at the Wednesday Evening Dharma Study we will be facing the wall for our zazen.
Wednesday Evening Dharma Study
The format for this will be different from Sunday night. After the Heart Sutra and a 25-minute zazen practice, we will begin studying the Zen teachings of Bodhidharma. (We will be using "The Teaching OF BODHIDHARMA" by Red Pine as a reference.)
This coming Wednesday will be an introduction and I will have a hand out with an outline or study plan for the following 6 weeks. Bodhidharma is considered the founder of Zen in China and is the patriarch of millions of Zen Buddhists. Where better to start a study of the great Zen teachers! Please check the website for more information.
Sign up for the Zen Meditation Workshop with Chong An Sunim, 9-21-18 to 9-23-18
Who is Chong An Sunim?
Watch this video on basic Buddhist teachings and Zen by Chong An Sunim...
Join Us for Zazen
Sun. and Wed. Evenings
May all beings be happy.
May they awaken from the dream. May delusions fall away and clinging cease.
Ignorance, greed, and anger have no hold on the awakened heart.