Campaign Nonviolence Conference events August 6-8, 2020
Hi Will: This is the national Conference that we organized, I was very involved in the organizing. As you will see I am teaching on Friday and presenting on Saturday. I would like to extend an invitation to all members of the Sangha. To participate for free you just need to enter the code: CNVFRIEND2020. Would you kindly pass on? …
If you don't like pulling weeds, you won't be a happy gardener
This week's Dharma talk and discussion focuses on - Why make like and dislike? What is the middle way? A gun for self-protection? The Campaign Nonviolence Conference...
Changes to Zoom Practice Sessions at OZS.
You will now be placed in a waiting room before we start. The links below are the new links. Practice with me live at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings & Wednesday Evening at 7:00 pm. The sessions include chanting the Heart Sutra, 30 - 40 minutes sitting meditation, Dharma talk, and discussion.
OZS – Sunday Practice Session
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). Every week on Sunday, unless otherwise noted.
OZS – Wednesday Practice Session
Time: 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada). Every week on Wednesday.